Liberty-Chesnee-Fingerville Water District

How to Establish Service and LCFWD Policies

If you are a new customer with the Liberty Chesnee Fingerville Water District, we would like to welcome you; and if you are one of our present customers moving to a new address, it's good to continue doing business with you. We have prepared some information to answer some of the questions you may have concerning our billing and service policy.
Liberty-Chesnee-Fingerville Water District
The service provided to the Consumer by the District shall be by contract, actual or inferred by acceptance of service from the District. All contracts for service, new or existing, shall be made directly with the District at the main office at 1485 Highway 11 West, Chesnee, SC. For new service please click here for rates and fees.

All meters, meter boxes and/or other equipment or facility used in connection with this service to the customer shall remain the exclusive property of the L.C.F. Water District. It is a misdemeanor to tamper, alter, disfigure or destroy any part of the District's system and conviction of same shall be a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for the first offense, plus any expense the District incurs in repairing damage.

The District reserves the exclusive right to discontinue service and to remove it's apparatus from the premises of the customer in case of any violation of the rules and regulations of the District or if any of the service information by the customer is found to be fraudulent.

All water furnished shall be on a metered basis. A separate water meter and water line shall be installed for each dwelling unit or business establishment served with water except approved mobile home parks. Any variance from this policy will be considered a violation of the policy and is subject to disconnection and fine.
Liberty-Chesnee-Fingerville Water District
If a water meter stops running and fails to register, the consumer will be charged at the average rate of consumption over the past 12 months. All water that passes through the meter shall be charged for, whether the water is used or wasted. The owner shall properly protect the meter from loss or injury of from any other cause, and shall be liable for the meter.

Bills for service provided to the residential consumer by the District will be issued monthly. The District will make every reasonable effort to see that each consumer receives his or her bill, but no responsibility will be assumed for delivery when the bill has been mailed through the U.S. Postal Service.

All bills for residential service rendered by the Water District are due upon receipt. Bills not paid before the 20th of the month will be charged a $7.00 late fee. The account will then be considered delinquent and shall be subject to a $25.00 non-payment fee and disconnection without notice. When service is disconnected in accordance with the above paragraph, all charges for service to date become immediately due and payable; and service will not be restored until payment in full has been made. If a technician is called in after hours to reconnect an additional $25.00 after hours fee will be charged.

The District agrees to provide reasonable service to consumers, but in case the water facilities shall be interrupted or fail by accident, or any cause whatsoever, except negligence on the part of the District, the District shall not be liable for damages sustained by reason thereof.

The District and its agents shall have the right to enter a consumer's premises for the purpose of making all necessary installations, inspections, repairs and reading or any other reason for administering reasonable service. Any and all installations or equipment owned by the District will be subject to removal, change or alterations only by the District or its agents.

If you have a question or need information please call us at 864.461.2231, Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm and Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm or